Maintaining Your Unique Nylon Carpet
Day-to-Day Care
There are three key things to do to maintain your new nylon carpet.
- Vacuum frequently.
- Clean spills promptly
- Have carpet professionally cleaned at least every 24 months. Note: Soil, stain, and wear warranties may be voided without proof of professional cleaning within requested time-frames. Consult your dealer for specific details.
Vacuuming thoroughly and frequently is the most important thing you can do to keep your carpet looking great, particularly in high-traffic areas. Vacuuming helps remove dirt particles which dull the carpets appearance. Also, use walk-off mats at entrances to minimize the tracking of dirt particles onto the carpet and to reduce soil accumulation.
Cleaning Your Carpet
Regular professional cleaning and maintenance are needed to keep carpet looking great year after year. During everyday use, soil clings to carpet fibers and dulls the carpet’s beauty. These particles accumulate and compromise the carpet’s ability to resist matting, pile crush, and they compromise the clarity of the original color.
Basic Cleaning Steps: How to clean your carpet after a spill:
- Immediately scoop up as much of the spill as possible. Then blot, do not rub, area with clean white cloths to remove excess moisture. Use a wet/dry vac if spill is large.
- Apply warm, not hot, water and blot with clean white cloths. Repeat until no stain is evident on cloth. If stain remains on carpet, make a solution of ¼ teaspoon liquid dishwashing detergent to 1 cup warm water. Using a clean white cloth, apply the solution to the stained area and let soak about 5 minutes. Rinse with clear warm water and blot to remove excess moisture. Repeat until all detergent is removed to avoid re-soiling.
- Absorb any remaining moisture with layers of white paper towels weighted with a non-staining glass or ceramic object. When carpet is dry, vacuum or brush the pile to restore texture.
Reappearing Stains: After drying, if the stain reappears, it may be because some of the stain remained deep in the pile and wicked up to the surface. If so, repeat step 2.
Non-food and non-beverage stains require special cleaning procedures. The chart below lists common household items that would cause stains if spilled on carpet. Use this chart to identify your stain. Before using, pre-test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous section of carpet for colorfastness. Then follow the cleaning procedures listed for removal of the stain.
Typical Non-Food and Non-Beverage Stains

Cleaning Procedures
Key (BCS refers to “Basic Cleaning Steps” previously mentioned.
A. Follow BCS No. 1. Then apply dry cleaning solvent (available at a hardware store or the cleaning aisle of your supermarket). Follow instructions and precautions on container. Then follow BCS No. 2 and No. 3.
B. Follow BCS No. 1 and 2. Then apply solution of clear, white, non-suds ammonia (2 tbs. to 1 qt. water). Blot with clean white cloth or paper towels. Repeat BCS No.2. Then BCS No. 3.
C. Follow BCS No.1, 2, and 3. Then apply solution of white vinegar (2 tbs. vinegar to 1 qt. water). Blot with clean white cloth or paper towels. Repeat BCS No. 2. Then BCS No. 3.
D. Follow BCS No. 1 and 2. Then apply solution of white vinegar (2 tbs. to 1 qt. water) and blot. Next apply solution of clear, white, non-suds ammonia (2 tbs. to 1 qt. water) and blot. Repeat BCS No. 2. Then BCS No. 3.
E. Freeze area with ice cubes. Shatter gum with blunt instrument. Vacuum up pieces. Follow BCS No. 3.
F. Test non-acetone nail polish remover on an obscure nonvisible section of carpet to see if it removes carpet color. If not, apply remove and blot. Repeat if necessary.
G. Follow BCS No. 1, 2, and 3. If stain remains, apply dry cleaning solvent (follow instructions and precautions on container). Repeat BCS No. 2. Then BCS No. 3.
H. Vacuum thoroughly. If needed, follow BCS No. 1 through 3. NOTE: If these procedures do not work, consult a professional carpet cleaner.
Professional Carpet Cleaning
When vacuuming no longer removes all of the soil, or you have not been able to remove stains following the recommended carpet care and cleaning procedures previously reviewed, it’s time to have your carpet cleaned by a trained and qualified professional cleaner. A reputable professional cleaner knows the latest information on carpet construction, carpet care products, and safe, effective cleaning methods to help maintain carpet beauty. For this reason, we recommend professional cleaning at least every 24 months. Again, some fiber producer warranties will be voided if their cleaning recommendations are not met. Lighter carpet shades, combined with the degree of soil build-up and the amount of traffic in the home, may require a more frequent cleaning schedule than just one professional cleaning every 12 months.
Steam, or hot water extraction, is the recommended method for deep cleaning most carpets. Hot water extraction uses a machine to apply water and a cleaning solution (if necessary) into the carpet pile to attack the soil and greasy build-up on the carpet fibers. A powerful vacuum then extracts the solution almost immediately. Properly performed, hot water extraction will effectively remove accumulated soil from the carpet and refresh the texture of the carpet
Make sure your professional cleaner knows and follows these guidelines:
- Cleaning Requirements
a. Vacuum thoroughly.
b. Use professional cleaning methods with hot water extraction
c. Immediate maximum residue removal is critical
d. If solvents or pre-spotters are needed, first do a general cleaning and then, if necessary, spot clean.
- Cleaning Solutions
a. pH must be 10 or less
b. Must not contain any cationic agent as found in many bactericides, biocides, anti-stats, pesticides, etc.
c. Use only enough solution to assure maximum cleaning and minimum residue.
- Topical Treatments
a. Are not required to preserve your carpet
b. When applying an after-treatment, use only fluorine-based (water based) products.
c. Silicones are not recommended and should not be used.